(+39) 0342.454085
Ami Homestay is located in seclusion amidst three hills in Coorg in the State of Karnataka.
Escape from the hustle and hassle of your everyday routine and come away to the Ami Homestay, où un monde serein vous attend. Oubliez tous vos soucis et glissez-vous dans le paysage, atmosphère détendue et laissez-vous dorloter et rajeunir..
Satisfaction constante des clients Puisque 2012
Top Ranked Value Homestay in New York, USA
We take safety seriously through our dedicated team that stands watch.
All rooms have good high speed Wi-Fi connectivity. watch. 24/7.
Avec trois installations d'entraînement, it's easy to stay active all year.watch. 24/7.
Everyday chores made easier equals more time for living.watch. 24/7.
Ami Homestay outdoor BBQ tour is a truly unique & interactive experience.