Two types of slider

The Palace comes with two different types of slider:[br]- The slider type A fits in any width. [br]- The slider type B must be displayed on the full width of the page. The slider type B breaks in two parts on wide screen.

[Spaltenbreite =”two-thirds-first”]

Slider type A

Example 1.[br][[slider_type_a category =”media-library” image_link =”Full-Size-” Bilder =”image-1,image-2,image-3″]]
Here we choose the media-library category so the slider will display images from the media library. image-1, image-2, image-3 are the name (as they appear in the media-library) of the images we want to display.

Nice images

[slider_type_a category =”media-library” image_link =”Full-Size-” Bilder =”image-1,image-2,image-3″ width =”two-thirds”]


[Spaltenbreite =”one-third-last”]

Slider type A

Because this slider displays posts of thenews_dealscategory if you want to have images, you need to set feature images in the posts of thenews_dealscategory.

News and deals

[slider_type_a category =”news_deals” Inhalt =”Auszug” width =”one-third”]


Slider type B

Example 1.[br][[slider_type_b category =”media-library” image_link =”Full-Size-” Bilder =”image-1,image-2,image-3″]]
Here we choose the media-library category so the slider will display images from the media library. image-1, image-2, image-3 are the name (as they appear in the media-library) of the images we want to display.

[slider_type_b category =”media-library” image_link =”Full-Size-” Bilder =”image-1,image-2,image-3″]

Example 2.[br][[slider_type_b category =”testimonialimage=small” image_link =”none” title =”nonelink=none”]]

[slider_type_b category =”testimonialimage=small” image_link =”none” title =”nonelink=none”]

Example 3.[br][[slider_type_b category =”rooms” Inhalt =”Auszug”]]
If you want to have images in this slider, you need to set feature images in the posts of the “rooms” category.

[slider_type_b category =”rooms” Inhalt =”Auszug”]

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Über Primolo 26 – Fraction Primolo
Chiesa in Valmalenco
Sondrio – Italien